


Happy birthday to Gracelyn Chatfield, Estes Purvis, Ethan Smith

NHS will be hosting a blood drive on April 23 in the gym. Donors will receive a $10 gift card and be entered to win a $7000 cash prize. Students ages 16 and older may donate.  Please see Ms. Ridgell or a NHS member to schedule an appointment. 

Seniors: check your email and fill out the google form TODAY for a chance to win a tshirt 

FFA Meeting on Monday, April 22 at 6:30pm in Ag Barn. voting for next year’s team will take place. To vote, you must attend the meeting and be an active FFA member.

Guest forms for Prom are now available in the office.  Remember you MUST be a Junior or Senior to go or be the guest of a Junior or Senior.  No JH students allowed.  They must be turned in by May 1st.


Varsity Baseball and Softball at Carrollton bus leaves 1:50, release 1:40

Varsity Blue & Gold Track meet home Field events start at 2:00, running at 3:15

Tennis at Garber leave at 1:45, release 1:35

Saturday Sports:

Varsity Softball at Beaverton